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What is a Micro Enterprise Home Kitchen Operation (MEHKO)?

Exciting news! I received my MEHKO permit last week and am now permitted and licensed to create beautiful charcuterie boxes from my home. It was a fairly challenging yet gratifying process. Best part - for 2024 San Diego County was given a grant to waive the $600+ application fee first come first serve.

A MEHKO is a type of small-scale food business that allows individuals to prepare and sell meals directly from their home kitchens. This concept is designed to support entrepreneurship by lowering the barriers to entry for those who want to start a food-related business but may not have the resources to open a traditional restaurant or food truck.

Here are some key features of a MEHKO:

  1. Scale: MEHKOs are typically small operations, often run by a single person or a small team. There are limits on the number of meals that can be prepared and sold daily or weekly.

  2. Home-Based: The business operates out of the owner's home kitchen, which must meet specific local health and safety regulations.

  3. Permits and Inspections: To operate legally, the kitchen must be inspected and approved by local health authorities. The owner needs to obtain the necessary permits and follow food safety guidelines.

  4. Menu and Sales Restrictions: MEHKOs often have limitations on the types of food that can be prepared and sold. For example, high-risk foods may be restricted, and the sales volume is usually capped.

  5. Community-Focused: These operations are often geared towards serving the local community, offering a more personal and home-cooked dining experience.

  6. Legal Framework: The regulations and requirements for MEHKOs vary by location. Some places have specific legislation to support these microenterprises, while others may not allow them at all.

This concept is particularly popular in areas looking to support local food economies and offer more diverse food options to residents.

If you are interested in starting your own MEHKO please feel free to contact me at any time!

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